Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chapter 5,6,7 DQs

Chapter 5

1. What is "Taken short?"

Answer: the fire was burning a little bit

2. What does Ralph think they ought to do before they let the fire go out?

Answer: They should die because of the diarrhoea

3. Who scared the littlun by walking around in the jungle at night?

Answer: Simon

Who are the two littluns who hold the conch and speak about the beast at the assembly?

4. Phill

5. Percival

Who said it?

6. "The thing is, we need an assembly."


7. " Serve you right if something did get you, you useless lot of cry-babies!"


8. "Life ...is scientific, that's what it is."


9. "What I mean is...maybe it's only us."


10. "What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages?"


Chapter 6

1. What was the "sign that came down from the world of the grown-ups?"

a dead parachutist

2. Who saw the "beast" on top of the mountain?

Sam and Eric

3. What did the boys want to do instead of going to the other side of the island to check the fire?

search for the dead parachutist on top of the mountains

Who said it?

4. "I don't believe in the beast."


5. "We want smoke. And you go wasting your time. You roll rocks."


Chapter 7

6. Who hit the boar with his spear?


7. Who got hurt playing the role of the pig?


8. Who went through the forest alone to tell Piggy that the group hunting the beast wouldn't be back until after dark?


Who climbed the mountain to look for the beast?

9. Ralph

10. Jack

11. Roger

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocab. and Sent. List 5

41. Parody - imitation, spoof.

Synonym - mock, apology, joke

My Definition - When someone is being a bully to a nice person.

Sentence - This boy is beginning to be a lot more parodious to certain people.

42. Parried - ward off, circumvent.

Synonym - dodge, duck, block

My Definition - It's like someone or something is coming fast.

Sentence - The bullet came in a parried distance for the guy's chest.

43. Pinnacles - top, crest.

Synonym - climax, tower, crown

My Definition - A story or a movie is the most important part in a spooky, funny, or terrifying situation.

Sentence - This movie was heading towards the pinnacles when the people was in the theatre.

44. Ruefully - regret, severe upset or pain.

Synonym - agony, mourn, torment

My Definition - When a person or something is being annoyed by the most.

Sentence - My sister is always a rueful pain in the neck all the time.

45. Tacitly - quietly, silently.

Synonym - whisper, softly, lowness

My Definition - When somebody is more quiet than loudness often at times.

Sentence - Sometimes I can be a lot more tacit than at school, and at my house at times.

46. Vexed - distress, bother.

Synonym - disturb, upset, harass

My Definition - The person is being bothered by a stranger or a known person.

Sentence - Melinda Sordino was being raped and vexed by Andy Evans at that party during the summer.

47. Vicissitudes - change, something made different.

Synonym - break, switch, shift

My Definition - When something is beginning to be brand new.

Sentence - I have a lot of vicissitude clothes in my drawer that I haven't worn yet.

48. Vivid - intense, powerful.

Synoynm - active, bright, glowing

My Definition - The feeling of something more brilliant.

Sentence - Johnny Storm had a lot of vivid in his body when he turned into a flaming superhero.

49. Vulnurable - open to attack, hazardous, troubling.

Synonym - bad, alarming, ready

My Definition - When a bad guy is about to attack the innocent.

Sentence - Superman can save a lot of people from the cruel and vulnurable villians.

50. Trunculently - belligerent, hateful.

Synonym - abusive, brutal, fierce

My Definition - A violent man is so over his mind or he is obsessed with a woman to kill over.

Sentence - Ryan was being so trunculent to his girlfriend Rebecca, who is trying to escape for her life.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocab. and Sent. List 4

31. Interminable - infinite, uninteresting.

Synonym - boring, constant, endless

My Definition - Someone is doing the same thing over and over again.

Sentence - We had the most outrageous in terminating conversation that we ever had in the restaurant.

32. Iridescent - rainbow-color, opalescent.

Synonym - lustrous, many-colored

My Definition - Types of colors of the rainbow.

Sentence - There are so many colors of iridescently rainbow.

33. Lamentation - grief, complaints.

Synonym - keen, moan, sorrow, wail

My Definition - When a person is being so dramatic over nothing.

Sentence - My sister is always lamenting too much for my nerves today.

34. Malevolently - deceitfully, violently, menacing.

Synonym - angrily, awfully, brutally

My Definition - Somebody that is a lot more dangerous than a criminal.

Sentence - An abuser is so malevolent towards a woman or a man in a relationship these days.

35. Muted - muffle, tone down sound, weak, dainty.

Synonym - lower, drown, silence

My Definition - When a deaf person is like that their whole life.

Sentence - When a muted person is unable to hear or speak, they use sign-language for speaking to somebody.

36. Obscurely - in hidden manner, dimly.

Synonym - secretly, quietly, darkly.

My Definition - When a friend is doing something behind their friend's back, and they do not tell them almost everything they want to hear.

Sentence - I hate it when a person is being so obscure about a serious problem that they're not telling someone.

37. Obtuseness - dullness of mind, intelligence inexperienced.

Synonym - disregard, ignorance, darkness

My Definition - Every time a person is being a dumb head.

Sentence - When a person is so obtuse, they don't really know anything.

38. Officious - Self-important, dictatorial, domineering.

Synonym - busy, rude, pushy

My Definition - When a person is worried about themselves.

Sentence - This girl is so officious about herself everyday, and not worried about her family.

39. Opalescence - luminosity, gloss, shine.

Synonym - light, gleam, brilliance

My Definition - Something so beautiful and bright.

Sentence - My lip gloss is always opalescent to my clothes that match with it.

40. Opaque - clouded, muddy, hard to understand.

Synonym - cloudy, dark, dirty, dull

My Definition - When things are so dark and gloomy.

Sentence - The clouds are sometimes opaquely dark, the rain comes down in a minute or two.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lord of the Flies Chpt. 3 & 4 DQ's

Chapter 3 Discussion Questions

1. What is Jack doing as the chapter opens (be specific)?

Answer: capturing a pig and trying to kill it, but the pig is getting away.

2. Ralph and Simon are building huts.

3. Why can't Jack get the pig to stay on his spear?

Answer: because the spear wouldn't be sharp enough

4. All the hunters but Jack have gone where?

Answer: swimming

5. Who helps the littluns get fruit?

Answer: Simon

6. At the end of the chapter, where does Simon go?

Answer: To the jungle to enjoy the sweet- scented flowers, butterflies, and the chirping birds at his hideout.

Who said it? (Indicate page number)

7. "We want meat!"

Jack pg. 71

8. "I was talking about smoke! Don't you want to be rescued? All you talk about it pig, pig pig!"

Ralph pg. 78

9. "I thought I might kill"

Jack pg. 65

Chapter 4 Discussion Questions

1. Who "still felt the unease of wrongdoing?"


2. Who was affected by the "taboo of the old life?"


3. How was Jack "liberated from the shame of self-consciousness?"

When he was beating up Piggy in front of Ralph

Why did the "littluns" always obey the summons of the conch?

4. to appear in the meetings
5. they don't want to be bothered the older boys who were bullies

6. Why did Jack want Sam and Eric to get him a coconut?

He needs it to kill a pig to go on hunting again

7. Why weren't the boys rescued?

The fire was let out again like last time

8. Why were the littluns used to "Stomach aches and a sort or chronic diarrhoea?"

No one is supervising them about the stomach aches and the diarrheoa. They would always eat raw meat for their diet.

Who said it?

9. "You don't half look a mess"

Piggy pg. 79

10. "They don't smell me. They see me, I think. Something pink, under the trees."

Jack pg.63

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocab. List 3 Sentences

21. Everytime a person is telling a lie, that lie is surely full of dubious concept.

22. My friends are always ebullient with me when we are at school.

23. When Jack killed that pig, that showed a sign of ferociousness on his face.

24. I love it when beautiful fruits flourish during the summer.

25. I saw a beautiful red rose with big foliages on the stem with the thorns.

26. My sister is sometimes furtively sneaky at her behavior.

27. Jeremy was very gravely about losing his glasses today.

28. Leroy's heart was unable to impervious, and he suddenly died.

29. On "Charmed," Phoebe, Piper, and Paige can do lots of incantate spells by theirselves.

30. One time I saw a inscrutable message on the wall in Egypt.

Lord of the Flies Vocab. List 3

21. Dubious - causing doubt.

Synonym - moot, open, unsure

My Definition - Someone is feeling doubt about something.

22. Ebullience - enthusiasm.

Synonym - agitation, liveliness

My Definition - Somebody is more joyful than themselves.

23. Ferocity - fierceness.

Synonym - cruelty, violence

My Definition - It's based on a serial killer.

24. Flourished - grow, prosper; wave about.

Synonym - arrive, bloom, develop

My Definition - Plants, people, vegetables, and fruits.

25. Foliage - leaves, plants, trees, and shrubs.

Synonym - growth, umbrage

My Definition - There are big and small leaves on plants, and fruits.

26. Furtive - sneaky, secretive, sly.

Synonym - cautious, creepy, cunning

My Definition - Somebody is being a lot more slicke and sly.

27. Grave - serious, gloomy.

Synonym - dignified, dull, sad

My Definition - When a person is being too depressed all the time.

28. Impervious - unable to be penetrated, long-lasting.

Synonym - impassive, immune, fixed

My Definition - Immune to any disease in your body, and the medicine can fix the area that you're having a problem with.

29. Incantation - spell, magic.

Synonym - chant, charm, enchantment

My Definition - A witch uses magic and spells to summon the dead, and the living to their command.

30. Inscrutable - hidden, mysterious; blank.

Synonym - mystic, secret, difficult

My Definition - Something ancient and old of a message that's been there for centuries.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocab. Sentences List 2

11. Some people can be a lot more credulous these days.

12. Jeremy is being a lot more cynical than usual.

13. In math, the declivity can either increase or decrease on a graph.

14. My mom can sometimes be a lot more decorously dressed at times.

15. Nikia is trying to get out of a demuring project that is due today.

16. My sister is so derisively being rude at my mom all the time.

17. Sometimes Elizabeth can be a lot more diffidently fearful.

18. The math problem I had was a lot more discursive to understand.

19. This puzzle was more disentangled than usual.

20. The bloody murders of a serial killer is more disinclining than ever.

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 2

11. Credulously - childishly.

Synonym - foolishly, stupidly, acting bizarre

My Definition - Someone who is being dumb or acting so bizarre.

12. Cynically - without hope, desperate, sadness, and dispair.

Synonym - desperate, sadly

My Definition - The person is being depressed about their lives so much.

13. Declivities - slope, downward change in value.

Synonym - incline, drop, decrease

My Definition - When a line is dropping down or going upward.

14. Decorous - appropriate, suitable.

Synonym - becoimg, civilized, worthy

My Definition - When a person is becoing classy or dressed proper.

15. Demur - disagree, back off.

Synonym - cancel, abandon, challenge

My Definition - Someone who wants to get out a problem.

16. Derisive - exhibiting unkind behavior or words.

Synonym - insolent, flip, sassy

My Definition - When children, teenagers, or adults be disrespectful to one another.

17. Diffidently - in fear, in a modest manner.

Synonym - alarm, bashful, shy

My Definition - Someone who is afraid to show thier fears.

18. Discursive - rambling, difficult to understand.

Synonym - erratic, spreading

My Definiton - Something is more awkward.

19. Disentangled - unwind, solve.

Synonym - part, open, solve

My Definition - When somethign is a lot easier for a person to do.

20. Disinclination - unwillingness to do or believe something.

Synonym - aversion, dislike

My Definition - Some people do not believe in some things that are true and real.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Lord of the Flies Scenario (200 Words)

The people should survive with me will be Bobby, Mrs. Victor, Mary Evans, Mr. Newton, and Mrs. Clark. The reason why I've chosen these people is because we have the power to help each other, technique skills, and a lot of survival skills to save each other to get to civilization. The first one I've chosen is Bobby. The reason why I've chosen Bobby is because, he's a lot more mentally handicapped with himself. Also Bobby has 70% chance of surviving with the rest of the other four people I've chosen. The second is Mrs. Victor. The reason why I've chosen Mrs. Victor is because she knows how to handle things her own way. She also got married when she was sixteen, but then Victor got a divorce when she was eighteen years old. The third person I've chosen was Mary Evans. The reason why I've chosen this woman is because she can draw a boat to get the five of us including me, off the island to civilization. The fourth person is Mr. Newton. The reason why I brought him is because he can treat the five of us with medical care, and create some medicine to cure our sickness. The fifth and final person I choose is Mrs. Clark, the 28 year old daughter of a minister. The reason why I've chosen her is because she can build a radio to signal the helicopters for rescue if the boat thing does not turn out we planned. The person who should survive is Mary Evans. Mary Evans hasn't done anything in her life that was bad.

Lord of the Flies Discussion Questions Chpt. 2

1. Who is the only one who may interrupt the speaker holding the conch?

answer: Jack

2. Who saw the beast/beastie/snake-like thing?

answer: Ralph

3. Who says, again and again that there isn't a beast?

answer: Ralph

4. On page 37, Ralph makes a two-fold "mission statement." What are the two parts?

answer: 1. building a bonfire, 2. getting the list of names

5. Why do they need a fire?

answer: to get help if a helicopter comes to rescue them

6. What did the boys use to start the fire?

answer: some dead wood, platform, and dry leaves

7. Who is the first boy to die?

answer: Piggy

Who said it? (remember to indicate page numbers)

8. "How do you expect to be rescued if you don't put first things first and act proper?"

answer: Ralph pg. 36

9. "I told you to. I told you get a list of names!"

answer: Ralph pg. 37

10. "Well have rules! Lots of rules! Then when anymore breaks 'em-"

answer: Jack pg. 34

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocab. Sentences List 1

1. There was a deep abyss in the ground.

2. The Egyptian syllables articulate the signs of the undead.

3. My mom has a lot bastion, and defense for herself.

4. Donald sometimes make a blunder when he talks negative.

5. Water can cascade everywhere, even in countries too.

6. Someone is contemptuously being a jackass lately.

7. The compressed walls are coming close by Indiana Jones.

8. My sister is going to be contritely about having fits everyday.

9. Some people can be corpulenting at times.

10. The mater mind can covert a secret hard code.

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 1

1. Abyss - a deep, immeasurable space, gulf, or cavity, vast chasm.

Synonym: immeasurable

My Definition: It's really a deep cavity or vast chasm.

2. Articulate - uttered clearly in distinct syllables.

Synonym: Coherently

My Definition: Very strange distinctive syllables.

3. Bastion - support, fortified place.

Synonym: defense

My Definition: A lot of support and defense.

4. Blundered - make mistake.

Synonym: Blow, confused

My Definition: Someone makes mistakes.

5. Cascades - something falling especially water.

Synonym: descend, pour, overflow

My Definition: Overflowing too much water.

6. Compressed - compact, condense.

Synonym: bind, close, contract

My Definition: Binding something.

7. Contemptuously - boastfully.

Synonym: arrogantly

My Definition: Somebody is mean, disrespectful, and a jerk.

8. Contrite - Regretful.

Synonym: apologetic

My Definition: Feels a lot of sorrow, sadness, and despair of what they did wrong.

9. Corpulent - fat, chubby.

Synonym: large, gross

My Definition: Completely huge.

10. Covert - chandestine, underhanded.

Synonym: concealed, private

My Definition: A lot more secretive.

Lord of the Flies Discussion Questions Chpt. 1

1. How did the boys arrive on the island?

answer: Plane crashed, and shut down

2. How did Ralph call the first meeting?

answer: By blowing on a conch shell

3. What are the names of the twins?

answer: Sam and Eric

4. What does Ralph's dad do?

answer: Royal Navy

5. What nationality are the boys?

answer: British

6. The island was roughly boat - shaped.

7. What is the "scar?"

answer: the island

8. For whom did Piggy vote as chief?

answer: Ralph

9. Who went to make sure the island was really an island?

answer: a. Ralph, b. Jack, c. Simon

10. Who is your favorite character so far?

answer: Ralph

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Daily Grammar

These are nine parts of speech

1. Nouns

2. Verbs

3. Pronouns

4. Adjectives

5. Adverbs

6. Conjunctions

7. Articles

8. Prepositions

9. Interjections