Monday, August 31, 2009

Speak 4 Discussion Questions

1. Discuss the evolvement of the name of the Marryweather High mascot and the debate over each name.

Answer: They couldn't figure out a name for the mascot. So they called it the Hornets.

2. What draws Melinda and Ivy together?

Answer: They are still best friends, and they draw a tree together. Plus they were watching the sad people with their parents. Ivy drew their faces of their expressions to their parents.

3. Do you agree or disagree with "Ten More Lies..." Why?

Answer: I do agree with some of the lies that she said in her thoughts. One was true that the teachers are here to listen to us for what we had to say that was on our minds.

4. Describe Melinda's inner turmoil when she discovers Rachel is dating Andy. What should she have done? Did she do the right thing?

Answer: She felt so terrible that she didn't tell her that Andy had raped her at that party over the summer. She should have told her at the party, but she was so scared that she wouldn't be friends with her again. She did the right thing by telling her, and Rachel also broke up with Andy when they were in Andy's car.

5. What is the symbolism of Mr. Freeman's statement, "...trees are flexible, so they don't snap. Scar it, give it a twisted branch-perfect trees don't exist...Be the tree" (p. 153).

Answer: Always be yourself and not someone else. Let yourself out in the open instead in the darkness all the time. Don't let your memories kill you, because it'll get a lot worse for your life and yourself.

6. How does Melinda begin to assert herself and find her voice?

Answer: When she was talking to Heather and telling her what she wants to do with her room. Plus the her mother was listening to her too, and she was happy that she stood up for herself for the first time ever in a long time.

7. What happens when Melinda decides to talk to Rachel?

Answer: It turns out to a big argument when she told Rachel that she got raped by Andy, but she didn't believe a word she said. Now that spoiled Rachel plans to go to prom with her boyfriend.

8. What do the entries under Melinda's graffiti in the bathroom reveal?

Answer: Her beautiful drawings of trees that she did for art class, and Mr. Freeman loved them so much.

9. What is the correlation between Mr. Sordindo's treatment and explanation of the diseased tree with Melinda's "survival?"

Answer: He kept cutting down the old tree, and together Melinda and her dad put some seeds in the ground to make a new tree from the start.

10. What happens at the prom?

Answer: Melinda goes with David, her lab partner and she was happy all over again.

11. What is the resolution to the story?

Answer: Melinda found herself again in the story, and she tells her mom about what happened to her that summer when she was raped by Andy.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

"Speak" Vocabulary Sentences

1. This girl had an obscence for her team to win state champion.

2. I knew that her abusive boyfriend was abstinence's about her girlfriend being fallen down by the concrete.

3. My mom is teaching my sister on being a savant person for school.

4. Hannah is the most thespian person I've ever known.

5. Adolf Hitler was the most fascist person that he ever was in the world.

6. The most person I know that is a predator is this boy named Wolfie.

7. My own indoctrinations were quite obviously determining on other students.

8. Someone did this morphing special effects to make the letters glow in the dark.

9. I think that the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is bad for some people I know who has it.

10. This wicked old potpurri spice was used for witches to make them pretty.

11. One thing I hate about paparazzi when they always want to know what the celebrities are doing with their lives.

12. We had to synchronized the washer because the water was stopped up.

13. My mom is an inspiration to me all the time.

14. I can care less about expiration these days.

15. I was floundering a bit to stay on the skateboard.

16. Sometimes Tom can be so blathering these days.

17. You always say that you get an interim on your job all the time.

18. The bees have drones in their body because they won't produce any honey.

19. Mr. Neck is always a xenophobic person to his speeches in social studies.

20. A sun shadow mandala was an dimension in a 3-D mode.

21. Someone is being more likely of a redemption to his or herself.

22. She had a chance to redeem herself before she went crazy or insane.

23. Some people can be so abysmal sometimes in life.

24. Melinda became more demurring than ever.

25. Bobby had to be so bigoted lately.

26. My dad recently died in an asphyxiated death.

27. I had to teach my sister to be a classical young lady.

28. There was biological sculpture that was in a cubism.

Speak 3 Discussion Questions pp 95 - 137

1. Discuss what predictions Melinda's skipping school and what she does.

Answer: she gets in a fight with her mom, also went to the hospital to see if she was pregnant or not.

2. Was being a child better than being a teenager? In what ways? In what ways is it better to be older? Why is it hard to be in between childhood and adulthood?

Answer: Yes, doing what you wanted to do, trying out new things in the life we're living right now. We'll miss on what we did since we were little.

3. Analyze the reference to the symbols in The Scarlet Letter and Melinda would adapt the letter "A"?

Answer: she doesn't talk, embarrassed, and feels like an outcast.

4. Discuss the dissolution of Melinda and Heather's friendship and the effect it has on Melinda. What is the meaning of friendship?

Answer: Heather thought that Melinda was the bestest friend she ever had, but turns out that she was tired of a sad depressed girl Melinda was. Means a lot to them the most.

5. Analyze the events and effects of Valentine's Day on Melinda and the aftermath.

Answer: one of her worst days of her life, also she was thinking about the time she got raped that night too. She felt so torn all together.

6. Melinda wishes her science teacher would teach them about love and betrayal instead of about the birds and the bees. Where do we learn about things like that? Can we learn love from a book? Explain?

Answer: that's what she feels about her class. From life, movies, and people. Yes, gives you good tips on how to love one another.

7. Discuss what happens when Melinda is placed in In-School Suspension. How would you to this situation?

Answer: feels more depressed, and more intense, plus Andy's there with her too. That was even more worse than ever. It would shocked me when he trys to talk to me.

8. Analyze Mr. Freeman's effect on Melinda, inside and outside the art class. Do you agree with his statement, "When people don't express themselves, they die one piece at a time."

Answer: That statement is always true to some people when they feel like that all the time.

9. Mr. Freeman also says that "You must walk alone to find your soul." What does this mean? Is it true? What is a soul?

Answer: Try to find the trueness of yourself and bring it out in the open.

10. Mr. Freeman tells his class, "art is about making mistakes and learning from them." What else is like this? Explain.

Answer: like learning from what you did wrong from the past and bring it out by expessing the pain we have inside ourselves.

11. Examine Melinda's self-image and her survival techniques after Heather's rejection.

Answer: she stood up for herself, and it felt good to her.

12. Examine Melinda's revelation about the night of the party and its residual effect on her.

Answer: she felt so helpless of herself, she lost herself at that party when she got raped.

Abuse Scenario 150 Word Post

I have a friend who has scars, bruises, cuts, and black eyes. She says that she's fell on glass, had paper cuts, and fell on some concrete. Honestly I do not believe her from all the things she's been telling me lately. Her biggest problem is her abusive boyfriend. I know that there is something going on with him lately. Basically the way he's acting with her every time he brings up some mess he's got on his sleeve to make her afraid of him. All the excuses he's been giving her is useless to her, and she's had enough of it. What can I do about it though to help her in her situation? If there's a miracle out there, please help her escape from the clutches of her horrible relationship? The thing is that you should spy on them when they are at home, or in even in public too. If you see them fighting all the time, and the final time, call the police immediately when you see her boyfriend trying to hit her the finale time. When your friend is on the floor, and you've called the police already, please step in the scene and tell her boyfriend that you've called the police, and they are on their way. When that situation is done, tell her that it's okay he won't bother you anymore for the rest of your life. Always look out for your friends if they have a really bad situation like this.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Speak 2 Discussion Questions pp. 49 - 92

1. Discuss Melinda's decline, including physical symptoms.

Answer: It was harder for her to talk to anybody because of what happened over the summer. Sometimes it's scared for her to even say anything to her parents.

2. Analyze the social studies "debate" and its aftermath. Note who challenges the teacher and the position each person takes. How do you feel about this type debate? Is the teacher right or wrong? Do students have a right to challenge a teacher?

Answer: David, the brave kid. It feels kind of racist and stupid about the Native Americans, also his son losing his job. Mr. Neck is so wrong about this argument. They truly do.

3. Who is a "real" American? What do you think of Mr. Neck's opinion? Going by his definition, are some of you not really Americans?

Answer: David. I think that his opinion is way bogus because David is right you can't get out of a debate when you make one. Sometimes.

4. Discuss the Thanksgiving dinner for Melinda's family and why this is significant.

Answer: She says that her family ate some pizza for Thanksgiving because Melinda's parents couldn't afford any food that holiday. I think that her family is living a struggling life.

5. Analyze Melinda's statement about her parents, "I bet they'd be divorced by now if I hadn't been born." What does this reflect about her self esteem?

Answer: Her family is getting worser by the minute, and that's not helping Melinda out much.

6. Examine Melinda's references to her secret and what this reveals about her relationship with her parents. What do you think happened at that party?

Answer: She got raped by this boy named Andy, and they used to be together over the summer. So Melinda called the police about it, and he went to jail.

7. Discuss Melinda's athletic ability, her attitude toward being on the basketball team, and the comparison she makes between basketball and life.

Answer: I think that Melinda has a lot of potential in becoming a basketball player one day. It could change her life someday.

8. Analyze the deterioration of the relationship between Melinda and Heather. Why is it that people sometimes like us more when they can get something out of us? Are the Marthas good friends to Heather? Why or why not?

Answer: They're so selfish like that all the time. Not really. Why not because they keep on yelling at her for no paranoid reason.

9. What should we value in other people? What qualities are important in a person? What do you usually notice first about people? Does that really matter?

Answer: By trusting them more in what they do for themselves, and what they do for a living. That you can get along with them, and maybe they'll like you for who you are. When they're a bad person inside of them. Yes it really matters.

10. Examine Melinda's reference to IT.

Answer: IT is referred to Andy Evans. The one and only guy who raped her at that party. She does not like him very often.

11. Discuss the school conference with Melinda'a parents and the aftermath. What do you think about Melinda's suicide attempt? Was it real? What does it indicate? What do oyu think about her mother's reaction?

Answer: I think that was crazy. Honestly I think it was real. Totally disappointing.

Speak Discussion Questions pp. 3 - 46

Speak 1 Discussion Questions
1. Analyze Melinda's recreation to the first day of high school and why her fears seem more intense than that of others. Analyze why she says, "I am Outcast."
Answer: She still feels horrible over the incident during that party she went during the summer. The reason why she is an outcast is because nobody wants to be friends with her.
2. Examine the meanings of the "clans" and the prevalence of high school cliques. Why do we sometimes not like people who are really good at things, like sports, music, art or school? Is that fair? Are adults like this?
Answer: Because they're just trying to get popular like the rest of the students there. Obviously no. Not all adults are.
3. Discuss the "first ten lies they tell you in high school." Compare with your first day. So you think Melinda's assumption that they are "lies" is valid?
Answer: All the lies are not valid because she's right about the ten lies she made. Some teachers will do that for real in school.
4. Examine Melinda's characterization of the teachers. What do these descriptions reflect?
Answer: The descriptions reflects on how they are teaching the students this year.
5. Discuss Mr. Freeman's approach to teaching art. Have you had similar experiences in classes with this type of teaching style?
Answer: His art class is so creative and his class is teaching the aspects of drawing, and paintings. I used to when I was in art class in the 8th grade.
6. Discuss Melinda's home life. How does communication break down in Melinda's family? What could each person do to improve it? If you were a parent, how would communication be in your family?
Answer: Her home life is too dramatic, and her parents keep on arguing all the time. It doesn't break down easily because she hasn't tell anyone about her problem yet. By talking to one another more often. We would talk to each about anything that is on our minds.
7. Discuss the interaction between Melinda and Heather. Are they friends? What brings them together?
Answer: Heather lives a normal life and Melinda's life is a drag. Melinda always wanted the life Heather wanted. Yes they are. The stuff they have in common with each other.
8. Are we sometimes different people on the outside than we are in the inside? How? Why is this true, do you think?
Answer: Yes. The way we are, the way we look, and the way we dress. It is true because we see it everyday.

Journal Response (200 Words)

Three out of every ten teens have experience violence in their dating relationships. What are the warning signs of an abusive relationship?

The first warning is to get away from the guy or teen aged boy that you're with if he is so mad at you. Second warning, if your lover is beating on you constantly, immediately get help as soon as possible. The boy or guy always says "I'm sorry I wont do it again I promise." Do not fall for that trick because he might do that again to you. If he is still hitting on you more, call the police immediately. Tell him that he need some help for his actions that he be a better person for you. Always tell someone your problems that you're having with your boyfriend. Please have protection with you at all times if starts to hit you again, and once he's ready to give you a scar or a bruise, hit him where it hurts at mostly. If you're tired of the same thing that he's done to you, it's to call it quits. Don't end up with a violent person who throws crazy tempers at all the time, and constantly hitting on you. You could end up in a ditch, or be out there dead. Be with a good person that will treat you right, and love you like you want to love him. Live a healthy relationship with your boyfriend that you love so much. Men shouldn't treat women like dogs, and controling them by the minute everytime women disagree with men sometimes.

Speak Vocabulary

1. Obscence - offensive to morality or decency, repulsive.

2. Abstinence - denying self any form of indulgence, appetite, or craving.

3. Savant - a person of learning; especially: one with detailed knowledge in some specialized field.

4. Thespian - dramatic actor.

5. Fascism - a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as the Fascist) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a government headed by a dictatorial leader.

6. Predator - one that preys, destroys, or devours.

7. Indoctrination - instruct, with doctrines, theories, beliefs. Can also be brainwashing.

8. Morphing - a special -effects process used in film or production in which persons or objects seem to change shape, form, etc, in a smooth way, created in a digital environment.

9. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - an anxiety disorder occurs in the aftermath of a traumatic event. Examples are combat, rape, and natural disaster. Diagnosed six months after the traumatic event. Three major symptoms are: heightened startle response, easily scared, and irritability.

10. Potpurri - a mixture of flowers, herbs, and spices that is usually kept in a jar and used for scent.

11. Paparazzi - a freeplace photographer who aggressively pursues celebrities for the purpose of taking candid photographs.

12. Synchronized - to cause to go on, move,operate, work, etc.., at the same rate and exactly together.

13. Inspiration - an inspiring or animating action of influence.

14. Expiration - a coming to an end, termination, close.

15. Floundering - to make clumsy attemps to move or regain one's balancy.

16. Blathers - to talk without making sense.

17. Interim - a temporary arrangement, stopgag, make shift.

18. Drones - 1. a male bee, especially a honeybee, that is characteristically stingless, performs no work, and produces no honey. It's only function it's mate with the queen bee. 2. an idle person who lives off others, a loafer. 3. aperson who does tedious or menial work, a drudge.

19. Xenophobic - a perosn who is very fearful or disliking of foreigners, people from other countires, or strangers.

20. Sun Shadow Mandala - Mandalas are symbolic circular designs that represent outer(sun) and inner(shadow) dimension of person's personality.

21. Redemption - the act or process of redeeming or the state of being redeemed.

22. Redeem - to buy or pay off, to recover what has been lost, to discharge in full, to deliver from sin and the consequences by means of a sacrifice offered for the sinner.

23. Abysmal - extremely or hopelessly bad or severe; abysmal ignorance; abysmal poverty.

24. Demure - characterized by shyness and modesty reserved.

25. Bigoted - utterly intolerant fo any creed, belief or opinion that differs from one's own.

26. Asphyxiated - to cause to die or lose consciousness by impairing normal breathing, as by gas or other noxious agents; choke; suffocate; smother.

27. Classical - of or pertaining to, or characteristic of Greek and Roman antiquity.

28. Cubism - a style of painting and sculpture developed in the 20th century characterized by the emphasis on formal sculpture -geometrical shapes.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Harrison Bergeron Discussion Question

1. What is the theme of the story?

Answer: government control is more powerful for your freedom

2. What do you think Harrison's rebellion reveals about his character and values?

Answer: he basically wanted to know that he wasn't afraid to do something different for everyone, but it would cost his life.

3. What conclusions can you draw about the society in which the character live?

Answer: the society is messed up, and they lost their own freedom. Their government was terrorists and abuse.

4. What do you think Vonnegut might be trying ro say about today's society and the role a government can play in achieving equality among people? At what point does government go too far?

Answer: the more power you get, the more painful the government takes away from you. When they take fully control over everything.

5. In what ways is there tension between equality and opportunity in our contry today?

Answer: somebody sneaks across the border, come here illegally, can't pay taxes, and men/women's rights

Harrison Bergeron Vocabulary and Sentences

1. Calibrated - check, adjust, settings on instruments used for measurement.

2. Consternation - sudden, alarming amazement resulting in confusion.

3. Cower - crouch, recoil, flinch; being scared of something more fearful.

4. Hindrance - stopping, proportions.

5. Luminous - radiating or reflecting that light; beautiful.

6. Symmetry - equal proportions.

7. Synchronizing - causing to work or operate at the same time; unison.

8. Vague - unclear.

9. Vigilance - watchful, alert, paying attention.

10. Wince - to draw back or tense the body as if experiencing pain.

1. Ihave calibrated my blogs more carefully.
2. There is too much consternation with my assignments lately.
3. My little sister had to cower in the bed at night time, because of the lightning last time.
4. You have to hindrancing the crime you were causing this time.
5. Her eyes were so luminous like the sunrise.
6. The lines of symmetry were very equal this time.
7. We are synchronize swimming for the championship against Brunswick High this time.
8. I have to vaguie my my own decisions before it's too late.
9. Security has to vigilance the mall to arrest some stealers for shop-lifting.
10. My chest was wincing very badly, but I felt a lot more better than ever.

Black Cat Discussion Questions

1. Discuss the significance of the following quote: "There is something unselfish and self - sacrificing love of a brute, which goes directly to the heart of him who has had frequent occasion to test the paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity of man."

Answer: he keeps on mistreating the cat by maltreating him, but he still loves him a lot.

2. What is the significance of the cat's name, Pluto?

Answer: the cat was small, black, and coldblooded.

3. Why did the narrator initially restrain himself from maltreating the cat while maltreating other animals?

Answer: he couldn't control himself from being mad at himself all the time.

4. Why does he eventually mistreat the cat?

Answer: the cat keeps on coming to his room all the time, and scares him to death.

5. Describe the narrator's feelings after abusing the cat. Why is that significant?

Answer: He had no feelings for him. Doesn't know what he was doing with himself. I think that it is pure madness for what he actuallt did to himself, and his pets.

6. How does the narrator define "perverseness"? Do you agree with his definition? Do you agree that it is human nature?

Answer: the evil stuff that goes in his head. Not really. No i do not agree.

7. Discuss the significance of the following quote: " I hung it because I knew that it had loved me, and because I felt it had given me no reason of offense; because I knew that in doing so I was committind a sin."

Answer: he's completely out of his mind, and dillusionally twisted to hide his own guilt for killing his pets that he loved the most.

Black Cat Sentences

1. The mental-illed man solicitly wante dsome more pets to make himself happy.

2. My dad was severely mad at me for no apparant reason.

3. The sarcastic man had alittle succinct for his old cat.

4. All of a sudden the man had a phantasm about the new cat trying to kill him.

5. Why would the wife dociled this situation that her husband is having?

6. Strangely the man was feeling a disposition for the new cat.

7. The man has had sagacious for his old cat, and he is still not happy with himself.

8. Bobby felt a lot of paltry for his best friends he betrayed long centuries ago.

9. That gossamer flower was as pretty as the sun.

10. Surprisingly the wife had fidelity for his husband lately.

11. The black cat was making procures in his own mind to kill his owner severely.

12. Christina was thinking of an allusion for the reference in her part for acting.

13. Can you at least back off of some of the intemperance of alcohol for eight months please.

14. Maddy was be treated with maltreating everyday since her abusive fathe rcame back home during the summer.

15. The struggled teenager had some scrupling issues lately.

16. How could you be so malevolenced to your cat these past couple of days.

17. What an atrocious behaivor that the man killed his wife, and most importantly, he hanged his poor new cat.

18. There were so many people at the party that night, and this teenaged boy was debauching himself until he was passed out.

19. The man ahd a little sentimenal for himself, and for his beloved cat.

20. Show a lot more remorse for your friends, and family most.

The Black Cat Vocabulary

1. Solicit - to seek for (something) by earnest or respectful request, formal application

2. Mad - mentally disturbed, deranged, insane, demented

3. Succinct - expressed in few words, concise, terse

4. Phantasm - an illusiory likeness of something

5. Docile - easily managed or handled

6. Disposition - the predominant or prevailing tendency of one's spirits; natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; characteristic attitude

7. Sagacious - having or showing keen discernment, and sound judgement

8. Paltry - lacking in importance or worth, trivial

9. Gossamer - something delicate, light, or filmsy

10. Fidelity - faithfulness to obligatious, duties, or observances

11. Procure - toget by special effort, obtain or acquire

12. Allusion - the act of alluding; indirect reference

13. Intemperance - excessive use of alcoholic beverages

14. Maltreat - to treat in a rough or cruel way; abuse

15. Scruple - a moral or ethical considerable or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhabits certain actions

16. Malevolence - ill will; malice, hatred

17. Atrocity - the quality of being extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel, or brutal

18. Debauch - a period of wanton self- indulgence, an excessive party which includes consumption of alcohol

19. Sentiment - a mental feeling, emotion

20. Remorse - deep and painful regret for wrongdoing